Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please send us message today, we shall reply you within a fast speed.

We can provide you with any service: (including but not limited to the following)

  1. If you have any questions, after-sales or logistics inquiries.
  2. We welcome you to provide us with any suggestions (product use, software, hardware, appearance design, etc.). If your suggestion is accepted, we will provide a reward.
  3. If you have a physical store, or you are engaged in online sales, or you are purchasing automotive electronic products in bulk, welcome to become our distributor or regional agent.
  4. If you are a traditional automotive electronics brand, you would like us to provide you with OEM/ODM services.

We would love to hear from you, contact us on:


We strive to answer your questions within.24h

Customer service working hours:

Monday-Sunday: 9:30 am - 9:30pm (UTC+8)

Please Kindly Note:

  • Our service is only for items purchased from If you buy products from other websites(e.g., Aliexpress, Amazon, eBay), please seek help from other sellers first. You can also refer to our FAQs.
  • During peak seasons and promotional sales, our response time might take a little longer. Please email us with your order number and your car's model and year.

In order to provide you with better service and speed up the response time of the reply, you'd better provide the following information before contacting us.

  • For questions about suitable vehicle models, please provide your vehicle model and year of manufacture.
  • To cancel the order, please contact us within 12 hours, provide the order number and explain the reason. NOTE: Once the order is shipped, we will not be able to accept cancellation of your order.
  • For cooperative wholesale, please describe your thoughts in detail in the email. It's better to have product models, quantity, and the form of cooperation, then we can discuss the details.
  • After-sales questions, please make sure that your purchase from, and attach the order number we provided. If related products are involved, please attach the product models.